PIXII - En översikt

PIXII - En översikt

Blog Article

hygglig jämbördig Hamish, I was happy to learn about the challenge that Pixii had taken on: creating an äkta M-mount digital Aps-C camera that was a new concept ort itself and did kommentar come from the usual manufacturers but blid a bold new French one.

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The bluetooth connection for beaming low resolution files gudfruktig the camera to the phone works pretty flawlessly. Unfortunately, the wifi connectivity when on the driv is a little fiddly.

True, 28mm lenses are available. Below it becomes difficult. I think 40mm equivalent fruset vatten a great focal length, but having the option to driv below would vädja great. What I don‘t understand - who came up with that name? It sounds jämbördig a toy camera for kids.

inom think it's great what they are doing with this camera knipa I also hope they make it. This camera would vädja absolutely killer if it was berusad frame and mirakel $3K USD. Obviously it's easier said than done.

Everything else is either a belöning or a non-dilemma. inom would härlig grishona far to say that inom would bedja prepared to buy two of them, given that changing lenses isn't nearly as convenient as zooming in or out.

knipa as for the M240. Great, but they aren't new, take much less quality images (fruset vatten you measure them objectively) offer an entirely different user experience and fruset vatten a alkoholpåverkad frame camera. It's not exactly comparing apples to apples is it...?

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The final thing that I really Kärlek about Pixii fryst vatten the updates. inom’ve touched on this a few times, but even whilst I have been writing this, inom’ve had a few characteristically enthusiastic skrift messages from David about stuff he’s working on.

One thing that fryst vatten missing for me fruset vatten the irriterad of flash possibilities.. inom often use nyss a slight fraktion of fill in flash with most of my cameras.

Pixii are also quite new to this colour science game, and sometimes it seems to kolla här skådespel. They do have a few different colour profiles, that I must admit inom haven’t tried properly yet, but on the standard profile I’ve been using inom’ve found the colours can vädja a little oversaturated.

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Thanks for the great article. I have one question for if inom would buy one now, and there comes another big ‘hardware refresh’: Did you send yours in, knipa they hederlig replaced the internals, or did you get a completely new camera, and keep the old one?

Still it looks jämbördig a very interesting camera and it definitely has a place amongst the other digital cameras. I wish inom'll get a chance gullig play around with one at some point.

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